A Positive Review of MyBoatPlans.com – Why You Should Use It
All boat plans are not created equal. Sure, there are a lot of boat plans floating around out there on the Internet, but not all of them will be worth your while to use. You see, in order for a boat plan to be able to help you make the right boat for you, it must fit certain criteria. This is especially important if you are a beginner! Even if you are full of passion and enthusiasm for trying your hand at building your own boat, complicated instructions can thwart you. If you want boat plans that will deliver results, you should use MyBoatPlans.com.
The boat plans offered by MyBoatPlans.com are created by Martin Reid, a Master Boat Builder and Member of the American Boatbuilders Association. He has over 17 years of boat building experience that grew from a love of boats that began in childhood, when, with the help of his father, he built his first small boat. His first few attempts at boat building after his interest was renewed as an adult ended in frustration. Luckily, he eventually met a master boat builder who worked with him and taught him some very valuable information. He was able to put what he learned to use and, over the years, created hundreds of his own designs that were just too good not to share. On MyBoatPlans.com, he shares his many years of knowledge with you. He understands first-hand the frustration and disappointment of a boat plan that doesn’t do its job and wants to keep others from experiencing the same negative experience.
Many boat plans are complicated and hard to follow. They can leave you—as they left him—with only a half-finished boat to show for all the time, money, and effort you put into building it. Visiting this site can save you from all the hassle with its clear, concise boat plans laid out in an easy, step-by-step format. You need not be a master boat builder to be able to put these instructions to use for you. In fact, these plans are so simple, you can start building a boat today, even if you have no experience!
MyBoatPlans.com offers an entire collection of easy-to-follow boat plans for the price you could easily spend on a single boat plan. With a huge selection of over 200 boat plans, including everything from canoes to submarines, you are sure to find exactly what you are looking for. This site even throws in some bonus plans!
Why waste time scouring the Internet for boat plans, risking wasting time and money on the wrong one and having to start over? Use MyBoatPlans.com to get it right the first time!
Boat Plans – What You Must Know Before Choosing One
Building your own boat can be cheaper than buying a manufactured boat. It can also be a great hobby for anyone who has some basic carpentry experience and enjoys working with their hands. A boat that you have made yourself can be a thing of pride and beauty and something to treasure for years to come. Of course, it takes a good deal of time and, though not as much as you would spend on a premade boat, a decent amount of money. Considering this, you certainly don’t want to just jump in and start such a project without the proper knowledge and the perfect boat plan.
The Internet is full of boat plans. Many companies sell boat plans for a small price. However, they aren’t all worth the price. A lot of plans found online are quite old, so the finished boat could be an older design that might have several technical faults in the hull construction. The simplicity and convenience of using the Internet to find a boat plan won’t matter if you end up with a plan that will not work for you.
You cannot know how your boat will behave in the water or in rough weather conditions on the ocean. Large companies have the gear and knowledge to test these conditions. They normally use scale models of an original design in specially-designed software in research labs before building a life-sized prototype. Obviously, you are not going to be able to perform such tests.
Another option is to spend lots of money and spend many work hours building your boat, then test it in real-life conditions. Can you imagine your distress at going through so much trouble, only to watch your brand-new boat fail the test? Unless you have time, money, and energy to burn, this is definitely not an appealing option!
There is another way to make sure you’ve chosen a boat plan that will help you make your dream boat. This option doesn’t involve laboratories or crossing your fingers and hoping for the best. Instead, when shopping around for a boat plan, look for all the reviews you can find on each seller. If you can find positive testimonies from happy customers about a company, you will definitely be on the right track. If you want to have a better chance at making sure all of your time, money, and effort won’t be spent in vain, it will be worth it to you to spend a few days looking for just the right plan.
Can You Really Build Your Own Small Boat?
You would love to have a small boat of your own, but even a small boat can be expensive. Have you considered making your own? If you are willing to do the work yourself, you can not only save money, but rest assure knowing exactly how the boat was made. Many people are concerned that building a boat is much too hard to master or that it will take up too much time. If you start small, however, you may find those fears allayed.
If you want to achieve your most desired results, you must realize that one of the most important decisions you will make will be the consideration of materials. If you want to end up with a high-quality boat, you have to start with the same fine materials you would use in the construction of a full-sized boat.
For best results, find a guide that will walk you through each necessary step to build a small boat when you are ready to plan. A great place to find boat guides is—where else?—the Internet. From free plans to downloadable libraries, you’re almost sure to find the right boat plan for you. You must also realize that a project such as this will take up a large amount of time. Don’t think that you’ll be able to finish it in one week unless it is a model boat! Determining if you will have enough free time to work on your boat before you begin is essential.
Choosing which construction method to use is also crucial. If you are a novice, plywood boat-building methods such as stitch-and-glue may be best to start with. If you are looking for more of a challenge, a conventional wooden plank model may be just the thing. From there, you will need to choose which type of craft to apply the construction method to and the waters the boat will be used on.
For example, a Jon boat makes a good fishing vessel. If you would like a boat less than 10 feet in size that you will use in calm waters near the shoreline, a dinghy may be just the right boat for you. As a bonus, once you have mastered building small boats, you will be able to use your knowledge to larger boats. In time, your small boat may grow into a large hobby to enjoy for years to come.
How to Choose the Right Boat Plan to Fit Your Needs
Are you ready to build your own boat? If you are looking forward to many joyful days of being outdoors, watching hard work and care turn into a fine boat you’ll spend even more joyful days in, now is a good time to give it a try. A big reason for that is the fact that you can use the Internet to get a huge start on your boat-building project. The Internet is full of boat-making information; everything from advice on building materials and techniques to the boat plans themselves.
Of course, the right boat plan is the key to your boat turning out just the way you want it. With so many plans out there, picking the right one for you can be a daunting task. It may be tempting to do a quick search and settle for the first plan that catches your eye, but this could be a huge, money-and-time-wasting mistake! Let’s look at some things to consider before making the plunge.
Make sure your chosen plan has good instruction clarity. A good boat plan needs to have step-by-step, detailed instructions. It should be simple to understand and be elaborate. Before you even begin the process of building your boat, you must be absolutely sure that the plan you want to use has clear instructions that will be easy to follow. If you don’t, you may find yourself stuck in the middle of your boat construction. You need to also keep a list of any needed materials in mind and have a clear overview of the whole boat constructing process. This can help you know exactly what needs and situations will arise.
Having good images is also extremely valuable. One image can be worth an entire page full of instructions. The right diagrams and images can go a long way in helping you understand the instructions. Without them, you may end up spending most of your time doing a lot of guesswork and trying to figure things out by yourself.
You also must be aware that all boat plans are not created equal. Blueprint quality can be quite subjective. Some plans are created just for beginners while other plans are geared towards more advanced boat builders. Therefore, it’s crucial that you choose a blueprint that matches your skill level. If this is your first attempt at building a boat, it is much safer to practice your skills on a small, simple design. Once you’ve mastered a small one, you’ll know if you’re ready to try something more complicated.
How to Save Money Building Your Own Boats
For aquatic activities enthusiasts, boats are a wonderful thing to have. Whether you love fishing, skiing, canoeing, kayaking, or just cruising, having your own boat puts you in charge of where and when you have fun on the water. The problem is, of course, that boats can be very expensive. However, if you have some carpentry skills, some free time, and love working with your hands, you can save money by building a boat yourself!
The Internet is a great resource for boat plans. Thousands can be found on the Internet and many of them are free. Whether you are interested in building a canoe, motorboat, sailboat, or a small boat, free designs for them can be found on the Internet. There are even plans that can show you how to build a rowboat in eight hours!
Along with boat-building plans, the Internet is also a great resource for learning all other aspects of boat building, including which glues to use and which materials work best for which boats. You can even find a sail calculator, which finds dimensions for the sailing rigs of small boats, and videos of people building boats so you can see for yourself exactly how they’ve done it, step by step.
As for what to use, there is a variety of materials you may construct your boat from. Plywood is very popular; even experienced boat builders often construct their boats out of plywood, since it is the cheapest material for building boats with. Several other materials–everything from plywood to PVC pipe and scrap wood—may also be used. The development of new resin systems with various resin curing times and the ability to be used as fillers or glue have also made it easier to build boats. Carbon fiber and other high-end cloths have easy handling characteristics, which also lends to easier boat-building.
You can learn about all of these aspects of boat building on the Internet. Naturally, you can also order books on the subject from the Internet. Even if you’ve never tried building a boat of any kind before, there are books out there for beginners. So, there you have it. If you would rather try challenging yourself and experiencing the pride and satisfaction of taking to the water in a boat you made with your own hands, some quality time spent surfing the ‘net can get you well on your way!
MyBoatPlans.com – The Easiest Way to Build Your Boats
Have you been thinking about building your own boat, but think it may be too much hassle? Don’t give up on your dream just yet! It is true that boat plans can be pretty complicated. No matter how passionate or enthusiastic you may be about having a boat made by your own hands, it won’t make up for being stuck with a boat plan you simply cannot follow. Luckily for you, there’s MyBoatPlans.com. Master Boat Builder Martin Reid shares his 17 years of boat building experience with you on this site.
Having developed a passion for boats and “all things marine” as a child, his father bought him his first boat plan on his twelfth birthday. Years later, upon the rediscovery of that first boat after his father’s death, he decided to try his hand at building the “real thing” and bought his first set of boat plans for a very basic dinghy. His excitement soon turned to disappointment as he realized the plans simply weren’t easy to understand. After a lot of hard work, countless hours, and guessing, he ended up with a half-finished boat he could do nothing with. He ended up buying more plans and trying again. After yet more wasted money and materials, he ended up with another half-finished boat. Naturally, he nearly gave up on his boat-building dreams.
Luckily for him, he ended up meeting a local, master boat builder who was kind enough to take him under his wing and help him follow the plans he had purchased. Thanks to this, his skills eventually improved and he built his first boat. That was just the beginning. Now, he has over 200 original boat plans, written in a simple, step-by-step format, available to you. He wants to share them so that you don’t have to go through all of the same boat-building frustration that he did. Following these illustrated, high-quality guides and plans will guide you every step of the way in building a boat of your own.
Each boat plan is so detailed and simple to understand that even someone with no experience can begin building a boat today! The detailed specifications, diagrams, and many photos are totally foolproof to keep you from wasting time or money on wasted materials. All of this delivered right to your email inbox; no need to wait for the mailman to bring them.
For what you could spend on one set of boat plans, you can get an entire library of high-quality plans from MyBoatPlans.com! And what a library! Whether you’re interested in cabin cruisers, sailboats, hydros, or yachts, you can find a plan for it, along with so many others, you’ll never need to buy a boat plan again! The hardest work has been done for you; all you have to do is a point and click to begin your boat-building journey!
The Top 5 Most Popular Small Boats You Can Build
If you love to work with your hands, have basic carpentry skills, and love the water, you should consider building your own boat. Building your own boat can save you lots of money. Along with the savings, you get the satisfaction and pride of having done the job yourself. Today, it’s easier than ever to build your own boat because the Internet offers a wealth of boat-building resources.
You may be not sure which small boat is the right one for you to try your hand at building. There is a variety of small boats to choose from. The right one for you will depend upon several factors, like what type of activity you plan to use it for and the kind of water you intend to use it on. Let’s take a look at five popular types for you to consider.
#1 Rowboats Rowboats are simple boats that are propelled through the water with the use of oars. Rowboats aren’t built for speed. They are meant to be used for more leisurely activities, like casually traversing a lake or pond or rowing to and from ships.
#2 Dinghy: A dinghy is a small boat that is often towed by a larger vessel. There are several varieties, including recreational open sailing boats and small racing yachts. These boats are normally rowboats, but some are rigged for sailing. Dinghies are used for off-ship excursions from bigger boats, outside of docking at marinas and ports of the proper size. Sailing dinghies are best for beginner training in sailing, rather than larger sloops since they have a quicker response to both correct and incorrect maneuvers.
#3 Skiff A skiff, which means “small boat,” is small enough for rowing or sailing by one person. It may be propelled by oars, sail, or a motor.
#4 Canoe A canoe is a slender, open boat that tapers to a point at both ends. It may be propelled by paddles or even sails. Traditionally, it is formed of a light framework and covered with bark, canvas, or skins. It can also be formed from a dug-out or burned-out log or logs but is now generally made of fiberglass, aluminum, etc.
#5 Kayak A kayak is a boat traditionally used by the Inuit. It has a light frame and is covered, these days, by fiberglass or canvas.
The Internet offers everything from thousands of plans to advise on building materials and techniques. Now that you’ve got an idea of which boat may be right for you, go ahead, give boatbuilding a try!