1. Know your subject better. When someone hires you to take pictures for his or her event, it is wise to get to know them better. By knowing your client, you would know what sort of pictures he would and would not like. When you are able to learn more about your subject, you would […]
Photography Tips
Photography tips for beginners
1- Don’t forget to visit the website of your camera’s manufacturer. Do not forget to visit the web portal of the company that made your digital camera. In most cases, when there are new software or firmware updates, it would be posted on the site, and you can download it easily. Aside from that, you […]
Learn Digital Photography Now
Reason to avoid the built in flash. In using the built in flash of your camera, it can provide an undesirable effect to your subject. It can leave your subject with too much light. Thus, if you can save up some money, it is best to invest on a quality external flash. Pair it with […]