Decorum in Teaching One reason that many if not most teachers go into teaching in the first place is that you have a love of children or of youth and you not only love teaching them but you love hanging around with them. Teachers are very often driven by an inner passion for their students […]
Test Driving a Teaching Career & The Inner Calling to Teach
Test Driving a Teaching Career Deciding to become a full-time teacher is a big step. You may be able to remember teachers from your youth that seemed to make it look easy and fun to be a teacher. So if you think you might have the temperament for teaching and that it would be a […]
Passing the Teacher’s Certification Test – Preparing to Become Certified
Passing the Teacher’s Certification Test Most of us learn a lot about how to take exams when we are in high school or college. But the day you go to take your test to gain your teacher’s certification which will give you the license to teach anywhere in the state can be a day of […]
Giving Your Students an Appreciation of the Arts – Talking to Students or talking AT them.
Giving Your Students an Appreciation of the Arts When you set out to become a teacher, it isn’t always enough just to teach a rote set of knowledge. You want to give your students an appreciation for each knowledge area so they not only know things and how to do things, they also understand the […]
Meeting the Class for the First Time – The Brass Tacks About Teaching.
Meeting the Class for the First Time Preparing to become a teacher is a big undertaking. It’s easy to get caught up in getting through college with a degree in teaching, passing your teacher’s certification exam, finding the kind of teaching position you want and getting through the interview that there is one more level […]
The Power of Differentiation – Teaching With Powerpoint
The Power of Differentiation The last two decades have taught us a great deal about how students work and think and the differences between different students and how those differences change the way those students process information and learn. On the surface, as a teacher, it’s easy to say, well I cannot change my curriculum […]