Let’s Play – KSP 0.90.0 Hard Career Ep38 – Duna: Hard Landings
Hey everybody wandering kid here welcome back to the agency um pulling the helm into doona now it’s about getting ready to aerobrake the boots came in it was pretty uneventful it just took forever because it was a very deep dive through the at now and I figured it’d save you the trouble and in the meanwhile I also moved the shield down into a 61 k orbit adjusting to save some kerbals so we’ve got a couple of missions left over for our kerbals here which we’ll discuss as i approach and i do also want to discuss some questions that have been coming up as to what am I going to do for a KSP 10 and things like that and we’ll get to that here during the adventure shortly first thing i do do want to do them is discuss what we’re doing with the kerbals we have a couple of missions plant one is I want to get one of the Wolves down onto doona surface preferably at that temperature spot so that I can claim that and clear that mission I want to send another wolf over to Ike um just so we can say we landed there okay we’re coming in we’re coming in under 140 k i’m going to close it my panels here so that they don’t burn off in the atmosphere I didn’t use the aero braking calculator just kinda at 1 11-7
And we’re going to see how that goes okay this should get my panels in the given any other panels exposed I’ve got a couple of extra panels over here that I can extend if things went horribly awry and I’ve always got the panels that are on variables themselves if I absolutely needed them bees there but let’s hope we don’t um yeah come on man i’m doing this room yeah all the Colonel’s is a delight we what are we doing aa bhi what are you driving us so two of the missions of the Wolves missions one for the temperature spot and another one for height just for the fun of it a second mission we have or an extra mission we have is we have to get this station down on through I for contract once we detach that from the nodes will probably do that one first actually just to get a good gauge I don’t plan on Manning that particular station I did bring the shield in to orbit just in case we decided that sounded like a good idea because I don’t believe that the station can actually get back up out of it Monsieur I think it’s got just enough fuel to actually get in but it’s there in case I decided to send some kernels down with it but with the Wolves going down I think that’ll be fine the hopes of being able to use the hawk on and the space station together or in particular the Science Center.
And some of our kerbals has gone out the window at this point that’s a shame but so be it and once we’ve done all that uh we’re gonna be bringing our kerbals home so we should be coming into atmosphere here in a short bit and while we approach I suppose I should address everybody’s questions about KSP one dot o s’okay sp101 dot11 dot 0 2 103 104 I’ve got a copy of 100 and that copy is interesting i played around with it a bit i played around the is are you i found some heat problems the aerodynamics was a bit screwy but i figured out how to use it things like that um was able to get an SST Oh up in 100 things of that nature and down that was actually harder but one diodes got a lot of problems for being a release version um I’m I’m on the same page as a lot of other people where I don’t think it was ready for one dot um I don’t know the reasons behind going to one dots who really I assume it was financial I know as much as everybody else I don’t know um they had their reasons that’s enough but um yeah what they’re still trying to stabilize phantom forces think i read a phantom forces a while ago.
And they’re still trying to get that back into play um they keep bouncing around on drag and lift and heat technology and heat techniques um I may get involved in doing some one-off stuff you know let’s go build them in mid-space let’s go to the moon on as small amount of parts as possible let’s go screw around with the new science techniques and components and stuff like that I made screw around with stuff like that but until they stabilize the 10 series longer than a week or two putting together a series on it is pointless um there’s really just no value in me putting together a series for it it’s unfortunate but true um so I may do some one-off stuff like a lot of the other youtubers where it’s like oh look at this look at that look at this but I don’t expect I’m going to do any kind of career mode in one dot o until they’re stable and things like phantom force bugs don’t exist some bugs I can work around i don’t mind i can live with them i can deal with them and work around them I’ve been playing this for enough versions that I’m familiar with buds in KSP some of them are versions I just skip and anything with phantom forces and things like that or stuff that you just can try and work around because you don’t even know when it’s coming the really bad crack and stuff I tend to skip those versions so i wouldn’t expect me to see from me any serious KSP one datos stuff for a while what I probably will do is me and steam summer sale got involved with each other.
And I’ll probably gonna do a couple of one-off um let’s plays reviews island or whatever you want to call the damn things a couple of different games I picked up which we’re interesting to me some are good some are and AH may or may not show them to you we’ll see how that goes we’ll see what kind of feedback I get on that idea I do know that a viewership is starting to fail off on this kasp series so my guess is custom not 10 there’s not as many people interested in it Soviet but um we’ll see how it goes from there and i also want to finish up my DF serious because that’s coming to a head and it’s about two years old almost two years old at this point and i want to get that finished up and it won’t start my new project for dwarf fortress so i got a bunch of things in the hopper but KSP 1 dot 0 is going to wait until one dot 0 is worth being called blonde oh sorry guys so there we have we’ve aerobrake the area’s helm into orbit we’re going to aim for about a 67 567 eight orbit um I’m gonna still just take a little bit to stabilize and I’ll bring you back for the next step welcome back so the Helms orbit is stabilized and I’m looking for a place where I want to put the space and I’m actually thinking I want to land it into that little dip in there that looks like fun so I’m gonna come over here uh here to me make sure everybody can see what’s going on all right uh there’s nobody in here right good all right just making sure nobody’s hitching a ride okay you don’t need mono propet don’t think that’s a fuel tank that’s a fuel tank these are your panels now let me extend your panels while I’m thinking about it and they’ll bring these back in later just in case I want a little mano prop let me snag out of that one out of that one that one.
And let’s put some on a prop in right now we’re draining electric because we’re on the dark side even though I’ve got my what was it what cuts its funnel it a excels out but I think we’ve got enough juice in this yeah we got plenty all right so I can detach so let’s unhook them all right we’re gonna control from here turn on RCS briefly and we’ll just get ourselves a little bit away all right let’s get these into here now we’ve had problems with staging before let’s see if this works oh goody um oh right hey pops effector in the fetal lon oh so in theory this can actually get back up to orbit on its own it’s got enough Delta V in theory I probably could have brought some crew along and dragged them back up with it but we’re in motion now all right so I want to aim for their which means I want to aim my orbit upward some if I twist from where I’m at I’ll push that up you know that should work all right so let’s get ourselves aim normal let’s turn on SAS as well let’s see if this is going to do what I’m hoping it does well I know it’ll eventually did what I’m hoping it does see how good my aim as though and there we go there now that should give me a nice run across the canyons here now maybe a little more ok now if I do this right let’s start it from about here break bring ourselves in remember I’ve got those massive shoots on there um not sure how I want to do this I know I want to come in over it yeah let’s try that let’s see if that works out well what I do with the helm already look it’s me up i’m already 1.7 away all right let’s get ourselves rotated around.
And I’m gonna have to watch my solar panels here I don’t think I’m gonna get much light before I hit atmosphere here it’s my charge looking like oh I’m charging up already I think we’re not 50s maybe that’ll help and now it’s still bouncing around a bit okay I’m not getting charged don’t think yeah that’s why all right let’s uh speed ourselves around the planet a bit come on come on come I got that right well that’s close enough all right now we’re gonna be coming in a whammo shortly I’ve got a full charge where I retract these panels so that once I kissed your gram it still got them confirming my gear works we’re good all right now barring a power problem which should be all right so here’s my general plan I’m going to come in once them over the ditch depending in my height I mean they’re gonna pop my shoots we’re going to do a heavy heavy burn to kill my surface momentum and then pop the shoots once I’m lower we’ll see how this works out that might be the hawk one actually it might be the crash of the hawk one not that it really matters all right let’s go alright i expected to be lower at this point wish u surface velocity I’m gonna kill a bunch of that trying to highball when I’m over where I want to be today I’m gonna miss my target here a bit I thought I was coming in lower apparently I should have done this from the other side so I’m trying to do a dive pattern I should have done a skin pattern.
And basically Arab raped in but it’s gonna happen here actually the next one over doesn’t look too bad either all right now what I’ll probably do is they’ll probably end up landing a little bit up on this hill which won’t be too horrible quite what I was hoping to have happen but it’s been a while since I’ve done this and I need to learn to a my guess looks like I’m aiming for a 22 degree slope here my best work all right let’s hit these shoots out or not there we go alright um about 44 over terrain so it looks like you’re going to be landing at 29 so this ditch probably comes in at about 1k so we’re just gonna have to wait until this lands at this point so I’m not quite uh aimed how I was hoping to be I had hoped to land on the flat of parts down there I’m coming in on a pretty good slope here to cut this down under five oh yeah not the stabilization in the world huh just turn off this oh yes for a second all right let’s see if we’re gonna rock it rock it out maybe I can spin it roll it or not we’re gonna wait 10 seconds so that I get my station hun tuna mission complete before I blow the thing up there’s 421 k that needs a crane but it’s here all right now okay so i can spin it i’d like to get this thing up right if I can there we go now I don’t have enough um reaction wheel to make this thing do anything well not my finest landing I guys uh yeah come on work with me here well let’s roll Cesc idea to do something we well we had a station on doona.
And now it’s gone next to quote somebody else yep so much for that stay for now guys yeah alrighty oh now let’s go see me a better luck with the wolves hmm alright so let’s try and behave ourselves a little better with the wolves some now let’s go find jab there you are EBA jet turn on the lights your check gear is good all right um it’s gonna way from the helm slightly now our target is over here on the dark side so to adjust to meet that we come around about 90 degrees it’s roughly about here alright that keeps us well and let down about fifty three ish I guess there we go that’ll start up a skin drop alright so our first maneuver is 310 point seven meters per second whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I forgot how nimble this craft is let’s put on find controls you should have plenty of power on this craft I don’t want you I want you there we go yeah plenty of electric okay so this will bring it down to about 1900 Delta V okay you can survive that let’s add in a note and go to Rome maneuver we’re kind of lined up but not enough and I want to bring that around again there that should do it now let’s go to the other side of planet now if I do this right bring that over to where I want it we’re going to slow ourselves down in to aerobrake hopefully right on top of this thing 5k is a little low for that huh yeah let’s aim for 9k let’s put that a little ahead of it because we’re gonna need to orbit and let’s see if I know how to aim for nodes with normal landing craft don’t cut it up mmm so I’ve done my burn I put my periapsis kind of where I wanted it but my targets are kind of getting away from me here like severely um so I’m gonna to do another burn and that’s bringing me in a 13 I don’t know how well this is gonna work out but it spin.
And my only way to kind of catch that thing if I slow myself down a hair well maybe I can still do this bringing it at 8k Oh what if I burn that way oh if I burn that way yeah there we go there that might work all right so we’re gonna have to do another burn to make sure that my target doesn’t spin away from me because well this planet’s having a real good time on its spin hopefully I don’t burn off too much Delta V playing chase the target but we’ll see how this goes okay as I’m coming around I’m noticing like periapsis is starting to brick to try and counter this I’m gonna aim radial I’m gonna push this up let’s say to 15k and hopefully that will be enough to carry me through upper at moa bit longer all right now you’ll notice my periapsis has completely disintegrated and I’m still not where I need to be I am at 18 3 and I don’t want to be that tight yet so I just pushed myself up a little too much I think but I have a feeling that will fall back pretty quickly so yeah I’m kind of playing games with my speed here to try and get my approach in the atmosphere straightened out because this thing doesn’t have wings it’s a sprite uplander as long as I can keep 1400 Delta V in the tanks I should be alright with that much surface speed though who the hell knows whenever you’re lying very very heavily on my parachutes least I know I’m aimed up pretty tight I’m not too far off the target not as tight as I could hope actually I wonder if I can fix that if I aim northerly they’re there should be a little better there let’s see if I’ve gotten this straight well I’m pretty much flying almost dead in on target Boosh this is nerve-racking to me anyway let’s kill some of that horizontal I am a little off target mostly I’m way off target um all right fish or cut bait I think I’m gonna have to come in for another attempt at this I think I burned off way too much Delta V I missed we’re going back for horbet problem here is i don’t think I’ve got enough Delta V to actually change my course back to meet up with the helm the hell may have to come to the wolf one here which i think is named correctly open event mark when lander can you call it yeah it’s love one thank you okay I’ve got enough Delta V I think to hit orbit again that shouldn’t be a problem but yeah that was a no way I could land that this is gonna take a few tries i think all right if anything goes wrong on getting this back to orbital you know so after that failed landing attempt we’ve got Jeb re docked up on the boots.
And after some manipulations we’ve got our orbit realigned here or coming in on the far side and it looks like i should be line up for another attempt here i’m going to wait for one or two though so one orbit actually was a little too long on its bypassed my orbital plane here depending on detaching and correcting anyway just what I want to do is I want to burn on this side to lower myself down to 10 k 8 kasemir in there probably a little higher probably 12 or 13 because we blowed off so much out there dude last time we came through the upper atmo and then do some corrections to get us better lined up probably around here and see if I can’t hit this target this time yeah I think we’ll try that and I can’t work faster than 10k so bring your right back okay Jeb’s detached so we’re gonna set up a maneuver node bring our periapsis down now we’ll try 12-5 I need to burn a little faster little earlier now i know i’m off course but we’re going to correct that as we go all right so we’re set up for that that burns in two minutes it’ll be a 2.3 second burn I’ll turn SAS on good i’m not going to go run into the boots and will probably try and come back up for the boots again cuz that thing has got all the fuel and it can showing me around a lot it’s not really what I was intending to do with it but hey alright so let’s see how this works out all right how’d we end up not too shabby alright next move is I need to get over some so if i put in over here and if i go that way a bit it’s a pretty decent sized burn but it should get me on target looks rushed i mean let’s go see if i can achieve in that burn up a bit and that’s looking healthier oops put a periapsis over it still at 12 there we go so we’ll do another burn here in nine minutes and 25 seconds as we’re coming in on this note I’m realizing that this maneuver isn’t going to do exactly what i needed to I’m actually gonna have to pull it out some more oops not quite that much it’s my periapsis okay so I’m gonna have to get a little extra.
And because obviously I’ve got a motion problem I’m going to do a little extra here to there we go after push me up just a hair and I should be able to correct a little easier so we’re coming up on our burn pretty heavy-duty burn it’s gonna cost it’s about 100 belt degree to get this manipulated but hopefully when we’re done it’ll be where we needed to be I can stop mission come on whoops overshot a bit but that’s okay all right so after that burn our periapsis at 11 for looks like we should have just a little bit of a lead on it i’ll probably have to correct again as they come in probably around here so we’re just gonna fly for a bit so I periapsis has already started to drop on me i’m currently at 19 k we’re gonna have to push that periapsis up a hair so we’re gonna give ourselves a bit of speed and if i’m reading this right yeah i still need to go to the right a bit so let’s get ourselves leveled off its turn on our CS and let’s push sideways bit i’m doing that direction can’t even tell all right I’m just racing RC s doing it that way there which way is I think I don’t know i know we see orbit thank you i think i got it this way nope the other way there we go they’re now as long as I can keep my speed up and not screw this out apparently i wanted to aim for maybe 15 or 20 k pin Ches very low i’m currently at 15 IM ere breaking just a hair as you can tell oh let’s see there we go it looks like I need a first to rate at point nine right now now let’s see if this holds any let’s just burn straight up yeah I’ve got a negative 19 meters per second down it’s not bad losing a lot of cut off that way yeah let’s see what will take the counter that ok looks like I’ll be better off if I just go straight up and float across I really don’t want to get underneath 13k in height which I’m about to it’s gonna need to push that a bit more well once again sight read speed rules and at least I’m mostly on target this time alright should we can see my par get out there really at this point I’m more worried about course corrections than anything else and see if I can get in a little closer on that all right so or see us on burn a little sideways here make sure I’m burning the right direction oh we’re see us on let’s ride that way okay yeah it’s got me a little closer a little more there that looks like it should knows me right in I’m where I want to be my Apple lapses is still 18k now we’re just gonna fly for shield all right it looks like wow my surface is a little off but that’s okay let’s see let’s get mine put up our see us for a second let’s get my nose face the right direction now if I RCS my nose over a bit I think it might be too high this time alright let’s do some breaking alright my shoot to launch then they’re not doing anything for me crap i missed but now i’m committed I may have to bring down a rescue craft for Jeb yeah I’m definitely bringing down a rescue craft so winded VTOL seem to be the better plan okay those are shoots.
And what them get us down is something reasonable that’s a yes and then we’ll have to just mosey on over and then we’ll go grab one of the yeah what one of the recipe crap off the sword the shield I know that things got enough fuel but we gotta get these this instrumentation over and I guess we’ll be leaving a wolf behind this has just not been going well for me you have one of those times but you know you’re pretty sure you know what you’re doing you’re pretty confident about where you’re going and then suddenly you’re done there’s be easier you know I had a quick saves on or something like that but I don’t all right won’t we got to land here that’s gonna take a bit now for those of you I know who were gonna comment that I should have waited a pop the sheets until I was lower I agree I just couldn’t remember what height sheets would actually activate at um apparently it’s around 11 k because I believe these were set for men pressure point 01 um altitude 5,000 so it’s 5,000 over I thought I’d at least get dragged foods so we’re 250 over terrain and we certainly don’t have enough um d’état speed loss so we’re gonna engage engines here and get ourselves down to something a little more controlled ah no no no don’t fall over okay all right next step we’re gonna get over there we’re not far just far enough all right uh let’s see your song that way that way that we don’t we do it what’s good fine controls now I don’t know parachutes anymore so that’s to be interesting we’re trying to hover over there it’s gonna be careful on my field consumption the 300 meters per seconds left thirteen point seven seconds of fuel to spend some of that breaking yeah let’s knock them down that fast alright we’ve hit the target now we’re just here to land safely.
And we’re down well we got here not all that impressed is to might take me but we got here let’s take her temp scan oh hey I guess they’re gonna be tapped me and satellite something to one of the wolves I guess they to go now they don’t know our probes I need something with a probe well we’re here Jeb pop out all right so here’s Jeff on doona taking a surface sample you a report my little get back in did i hear the weather here’s a little rough and well have to bring him some risk your crap that’ll be yeah I guess we’ll do that in the next episode cuz i know this episode has been wicked delayed so well in this episode here and we’re gonna risk your crap down for Jeb in the next episode hopefully we can get all our turtles home um as always thanks for watching and I’ll see you next time bye.
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