Can dog drink milk

In most animals, dairy milk is consumed but if the dog is allergic to this product some can suffer from lactotoxic intolerant milk allergy. While most dogs are accustomed and willing to drink milk “but our consequence is milk consumption,” says Dr. Heather Brausa a veterinarian for The New York. Many cats never drink milk, said veterinary surgeon Dr. Stephanie Liff owner of Pure Paws Veterinary Care Clinton Hill Brooklyn NY. MOST dogs eat Milk but many are allergic or resistant ‘to milk’.

If something is hard, everybody has an opinion. Opinions tend to become conventional wisdom, but there is a lot of disagreement within conventional wisdom. Take the question of whether dogs can drink milk. This conventional wisdom says no, but research over the last thirty years has done nothing to change most people’s minds. Why?

Because it’s hard to study the question. We have plenty of evidence about dogs drinking milk. We feed them milk, and they don’t die. We give them milk, and they don’t get sick. They eat it, and we don’t have to worry about them choking. All true. But it doesn’t tell us whether they can drink it.

The conventional wisdom says that dogs can drink milk, but it’s very hard to prove this. We need experiments. But most experiments are impossible. You can’t feed dog milk while it’s asleep. You can’t wake a dog up and feed it milk. You can’t put a dog in a milk bottle. You can’t force a dog to drink milk. You can’t put a dog in a refrigerator and pretend it’s a cave. You can’t keep a dog in a box on a heating pad. You can’t put it in the freezer. You can’t put it in a microwave oven.

So it’s hard to study the question. But conventional wisdom is a consensus. Everyone does what everyone else does. And people aren’t willing to change their behavior just because someone tells them it’s wrong.
Conventional wisdom is hard to test because it’s hard to test anything. If you can test something, you no longer have conventional wisdom. You no longer have a belief. But a belief is just a shorthand for knowledge. A belief is a thought that’s true or at least probably true. A belief is a shortcut. If your belief is true, you don’t have to do all the thinking to find out.

Research in dogs has shown that dogs can drink milk, but whether they like milk very much or not is another question.
Dogs have separate stomachs and differently shaped stomachs. One theory is that dogs have more acid in their stomachs than people do and that acid is the problem. Milk contains a lot of lactose, sugars that humans can digest. Dogs have an enzyme called lactase, but dogs’ stomach acids change lactase too much for it to be useful.

The alternative theory is that dogs’ stomachs are adapted to eating fresh meat. In nature, meat is mixed with water, and this dilutes the lactose and makes it easier for dogs to digest.
Or maybe dogs just drink milk out of politeness. Dogs are social animals, and they grow up with the expectation that their masters will give them milk. They find it odd if they don’t get milk, and so they get milk even if they don’t like it.

Or dogs just drink milk for practical reasons. Dogs are the best scavengers ever, and milk is one of the most abundant resources available.
Whatever the reason, the evidence is clear that dogs can drink milk, and they like milk. But whether they like milk very much or not, we can’t be sure yet.

In this book, however, we will ignore the complexities of bacterial digestion. So, when your dog asks for milk, just give her some water.

Dogs, like people, cannot drink milk.

This is, of course, an old wives’ tale. Dogs and humans both belong to the same order, the Mammalia. The mammalian milk, like other milk, is lactose, a sugar. And lactose is the sugar in cow’s milk.
The belief that dogs cannot drink milk is based on the story of a young St. Bernard named Toto. In 1925, a St. Bernard named Toto was exhibited at the New York World’s Fair. After the show, he went to live with a family in Connecticut. He ate a lot of dog food, which had a lot of lactose, and he became very sick.
The family called the vet, who diagnosed a problem. He prescribed a milk diet. The vet thought the problem was the milk because the dog’s stool was normal, but the stool was all watery and mushy. So, the vet said, the dog can’t drink milk.
Carlo Collodi, the author, was from Bologna. Bologna is near Parma, and Parma is famous for its milk. So Collodi must have heard that story. But he did not make up the story. In 1883, some veterinarians in France published a paper saying that dogs cannot drink milk. They based their claim on the behavior of a stray dog named Toto.

You have probably noticed that dogs, cats, and other animals can make milk. But did you know that they also can drink milk? They probably first learned to drink milk from their mother. New puppies are born with milk-filled stomachs, and they don’t have teeth to suck on, so they drink milk from their mother.

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